FALL YARD WASTE and BRANCH PICKUP SCHEDULE The City of West Bend will collect yard waste and branches on the following dates: YARD WASTE & BRANCH COLLECTION DATES MONDAY, OCTOBER 7th MONDAY, OCTOBER 21st MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4th Please have your items at the curb by 8:00 a.m. on the collection day. You do not have…
West Bend High School Lunchroom Adults -- $8.00 Kdg. - 7th grade -- $5.00 Under Kdg. -- Free Call (515) 320-2395 or (712) 351-1166 for delivery to your vehicle in the parking lot for to go orders or you can come to the lunchroom to pick them up. Call Anita Fisher at (515) 887-7841 with…
Soup Supper (Take Out Available) Free Will Donation Silent Auction Bake Sale All proceeds go toward resident activities. Baked goods accepted the day of the event.