Housing Programs

In order to maintain existing housing units and promote new housing development, the City has implemented several programs to encourage the construction and remodeling of homes.

Housing Rehabilitation

The City of West Bend is seeking applicants for an owner-occupied housing rehabilitation grant application.  The City anticipates being able to assist six homeowners with either exterior rehabilitation of their homes, or energy efficiency, in later 2020 and 2021.

Tax Abatement

Newly constructed homes or remodeling projects may qualify to receive a (100%) exemption from taxation on the actual value added by the improvements up to a maximum of $75,000.

Utility Incentive Program

The West Bend Municipal Utilities in conjunction with the Northwest Telephone Cooperative, have established an incentive program paying up to $3,000 to anyone constructing a new home within the utility service area.

Housing Initiative Program

Since January 1, 2015, the Palo Alto County Gaming Development Corporation (PACGDC) has awarded approximately $57,000 in demolition grant funding to cities in Palo Alto County, with several more demotion projects pending completion. PACGDC also reports one completed housing construction project with another pending Housing Initiative Grant Application in the County worth a total of $30,000.

Affirmative Fair Housing Policy